Genius can only find 4 caterpillars among the snowdrops in 10 seconds; can you?

The Internet is full of optical illusions, and solving them is always enjoyable. These optical illusions are classified into several types, including brainteasers, personality tests, illusions, and more.  

Optical illusions are not only entertaining, but they also aid in improving concentration and observation skills.  

Are you interested in putting your observation skills to the test? If so, try to solve this tricky optical illusion challenge right now.  

The image shared above depicts a field of snowdrop flowers. It was created by Gergely Dudas, a Hungarian illustrator.  

However, the image contains four caterpillars. The goal is to find the caterpillars within 10 seconds.  

Individuals with keen observation skills, on the other hand, will have no trouble identifying the caterpillars.  

3 seconds are left! Tick… Tock… Tick…

HINT for those who haven't located the caterpillars: As you know, the best way to solve any optical illusion is to begin by working from left to right.  

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